Chiropractic Therapy
Chiropractic therapy is a hands-on treatment that is used to treat a wide range of neck, back, and joint conditions. This minimally invasive technique is ideal for treating pain and discomfort associated with the joints. Chiropractic therapies like manipulation and adjustments can correct the alignment of the spine and other problem areas. This non-surgical modality is ideal for individuals who have early development of certain spinal conditions.
Who Should Use Chiropractic Therapy?
Chiropractic therapy is ideal for those suffering from common spinal conditions, such as bulging discs, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, or radiculopathy. This type of treatment is often recommended before others, as it is minimally-invasive and has been proven to provide individuals with these conditions some relief from pain. Patients facing mild to moderate pain because of a spinal condition may want to seek out chiropractic therapy.
What Should I Expect?
This conservative treatment option is extremely effective in treating pain and symptoms commonly associated with back and neck pain. It is important to keep in mind that this type of therapy is not a permanent solution and may not completely correct your underlying condition. The intention of chiropractic therapy is to provide you with relief and help you get your life back - pain-free.
There are many different forms of chiropractic manipulation, allowing us to tailor the care you receive to your specific needs. When you come into our chiropractic office, the first thing we will do is perform soft tissue mobilization techniques in conjunction with other therapies to the areas of discomfort or pain. This will allow us to get a better idea of how your body responds and what techniques may be appropriate moving forward. If you are suffering from chronic low back pain, bulging discs, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, sciatica, or arthritis of the spine, please contact Crescent Pain Relief today and ask about our chiropractic therapy services.