Pain Mapping
Pain mapping refers to a series of tests that are performed in order to determine a patient’s source of pain and what the underlying causes could be. This diagnostic procedure relies on electrical stimulation that is applied to specific spinal nerves, which initiates a tingling sensation at the exact location of the pain. This option utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and informative diagnostic tests that allow for proper diagnosis.
When Is Pain Mapping Necessary?
Many scenarios may call for pain mapping, but the most common is when the source of the pain cannot be clearly identified, or if a patient is not responding to a specific treatment.
Pain mapping uses the most advanced techniques to date, which increases the ability to precisely pinpoint the source of any neck or back pain. Even MRIs and CTs can have a difficult time finding this type of pain – this is why pain mapping is so beneficial.
Some of the tests we may perform for pain mapping include:
- Facet injections
- Occipital nerve blocks
- Selective nerve blocks
- Piriformis injections
- Sacroiliac joint injections or blocks
- Discography
- Cervical/thoracic/lumbar medial branch blocks

The information we are able to obtain from these tests will give us the opportunity to provide you with temporary relief while we come up with a long-term pain management plan.
Here at Crescent Pain Relief, we use pain mapping in order to find the clear source of discomfort. We truly believe surgery should be a last resort and that there are plenty of alternative, conservative therapies that can effectively treat spine disorders.
For more details about these tests, or for answers to questions you may have, please do not hesitate to contact Crescent Pain Relief. We understand first-hand just how debilitating back and neck pain can be, which is why we are committed to offering different services to choose from. It is our goal to work closely with our patients in order to find the source of their pain and then suggest various therapies that will offer relief and allow them to once again live a life that is full and healthy.