Physical Therapy
A trigger point injection (TPI) is a simple, noninvasive procedure that is used to relieve myofascial pain. TPI is intended to reduce inflammation and any muscle tightness around the nerves. In order to better understand the benefits of this type of procedure, we must discuss what, exactly, a trigger point is. A trigger point is a knotted or tight area of muscle that can be felt under the skin. When pressure is applied to this specific area, it may result in pain in another part of the body. Trigger point injections use a specific medication that is designed to stop the pain cycle, allowing the patient to find certain therapies and rehabilitative programs to effectively treat the pain.
We use trigger point injections to successfully treat pain and discomfort in a host of muscle groups within the arms, legs, lower back, and neck. Furthermore, trigger point injections have been known to alleviate symptoms linked to fibromyalgia and tension headaches.

Is Physical Therapy Right For Me?
Physical therapy is appropriate for people at any stage of life, including those whose movement and function have been threatened by injury, age, disease, disorders, or other conditions. Individuals who have been diagnosed with one or more common spinal disorders may opt to explore the benefits of physical therapy prior to undergoing surgery. In many cases, physical therapy has completely corrected the problem, negating the need for surgery. If you are in need of physical therapy, we will meet with you and discuss the services we provide in detail before moving forward.
How Can Physical Therapy Help Me?
Physical therapy is a conservative solution that can effectively help patients suffering from common spine conditions. While it may not be able to cure an underlying spinal condition, it can provide relief and give you the strength and tools necessary to get back on track.
Some of the conditions that can benefit from physical therapy include:
- Musculoskeletal dysfunction, such as back pain, neck pain, rotator cuff injuries, and other joint disorders
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Cystic fibrosis
- Neurological conditions, such as stroke, spinal cord injuries, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and traumatic brain injuries
- Pediatric conditions, such as cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy
- Sports-related injuries
- Women’s health and pelvic floor dysfunction
To learn more about the physical therapy services offered here at Crescent Pain Relief, please do not hesitate to give us a call today.